티스토리 뷰

호주 워킹홀리데이 비자 이민성 답변



워킹홀리데이 비자 승인을 기다리다보면 생각보다 오래 걸리는 경우가 있습니다.


그런 경우 독촉메일을 보내게 되는데, 이때 이민성에서 이메일로 답변이 옵니다.



독촉메일 외에도 호주 워킹홀리데이 비자를 신청 한 후 여권 이름이 잘못되었거나


생년월일이 잘못되었거나 혹은 여권번호 등 개인정보가 잘못된 경우에도 이민성으로 메일을


보내니다. 마찬가지로 이때에도 이민성에서 답변이 옵니다.


아래 내용은 이민성에 메일을 보낸 후 바로 온 내용이구요.


이에 관련되서 빅빅잉에 문의가 많아서 호주 워킹홀리데이 비자 관련 이민성 답변으로


포스팅 해드립니다.






아래는 메일 내용입니다.


내용이 너무 장황해 보여서 가끔 놀라서 문의하시는 분들이 많은데 간단히 말씀드리면


아래 내용은 워킹홀리데이 비자 관련하여 이민성에 보내면 자동으로 오는 메일입니다.


호주 워킹홀리데이에 관한 전반적인 내용이 있으며, 자주 묻는 질문에 대한 일반적인 메일입니다.



예를들어 TRN을 요청하는 메일을 보냈더라도 아래와 같은 메일을 받게 될 것이고


여권 이름을 정정해 달라는 메일을 보내도 아래와 같은 메일을 받게 됩니다.


워킹비자 승인 독촉 메일을 보내도 우선 아래와 같은 이메일을 받게 됩니다.



그럼 언제 답변을 받을까요?


호주 워킹홀리데이 비자 신청 후 이민성에 메일을 보내면 빠르면 2-3일정도, 오래 걸리면 7-10일정도


후에 이민성에서 다시 이메일일 옵니다. 아래와 같은 공통 메일 말고, 본인이 요청한 내용에 대한


응답 메일입니다.



각 메일은 요청한 호주 워킹홀리데이 비자에 관해서 내용이 다르니 궁금한점은 따로 문의주세요 ^^





Thank you for your email.  Your email has been received by the Hobart Global Processing Centre in Australia. This Helpdesk responds to questions related to the Working Holiday Maker (TZ417) visa only.


Please read this email carefully as it contains important information that may answer your email query.  If this email does not provide an answer to your query, we will respond to your email as soon as possible.  If you have provided information or documents in relation to your application, this information will now be included in the assessment of your Working Holiday visa application.



Current Processing Times:



Online first Working Holiday visa applications:
o Service Standard for finalisation is six (6) days
Please note: if you are required to complete health or other assessments your visa will not be finalised within the Service Standard.


o First Working Holiday emails are being answered within seven (7) days of receipt


Health Assessments:


There are currently delays of up to 3 months for health assessments that require further consideration by Medical Officers of the Commonwealth (MOC).
This will affect processing times as stipulated above.
Please note that your application will be progressed as soon as an opinion from the MOC is received by the Hobart Global Processing Centre.


Frequently Asked Questions


If your question relates to the following topics, please see the likely answer below.


· I want to check the progress of my application:  How do I check the progress of my visa application?

· I don’t know if my visa has been approved::  How will I know that my visa is granted?

· I want a copy of my visa: How can I obtain a copy of my Visa Grant Notification email?

· I received my visa grant notification email. Do I need anything else to travel to Australia?

· I have a new passport, or my passport details are wrong:  What do I do if I have got a new passport or my passport details were incorrect?

· My Personal Details have changed:  What do I do if I my personal details or circumstances change?

· I want to claim my Superannuation: How do I claim my superannuation after I have used my Working Holiday visa?

· I have to do health examinations: When do I have to complete my health examination?

· When I can use my visa and how long for: When can I travel to Australia and how long is my Working Holiday visa valid for?

· My visa has expired:  What do I do if my visa expires

· I want to check my visa conditions and entitlements:: How can I or my employer check my visa conditions and work rights?

· I have a Saved Application Number: What is my Saved Application Number?


I want to check the progress of my application

You can check the progress of your visa application at


http://www.immi.gov.au/e_visa by using your Transaction Reference Number (TRN), which you would have received if you have lodged a valid visa application. Your TRN starts with EG and is followed by a series of eight numbers and/or letters. eg: EGXXXXXXXX


I don’t know if my visa has been approved

Your visa grant notification will be sent to you by email if you have nominated an email address in your application. 

You are not required to have a visa label placed in your passport to be able to travel to Australia. Other than your passport, no further documentation is required to travel to Australia, although it is recommended that you keep a copy of your visa grant notification for your personal records.


I want a copy of my visa

Your visa grant notification is your visa.  The notification was sent to your email address.   If you did not receive your notification, or you lost the email, you can get copies of it by logging on to http://www.immi.gov.au/e_visa.  You will need to use your Transaction Reference Number (TRN), which you would have received if you have lodged a valid visa application.  Your TRN starts with EG and is followed by a series of eight numbers and/or letters. eg. EGXXXXXXXX

I received my visa grant notification email, do I need anything else to travel to Australia?
No.  Your visa grant notification is your authorisation to enter Australia on your Working Holiday (subclass 417) visa.  You should print out a copy of your visa grant notification email and carry it with you on entry to Australia.  You do not need a visa label.


I have a new passport, or my passport details are wrong
Your Working Holiday Visa is linked to the passport number that you provided in your application. If you obtain a new passport, or the passport details you entered on your application are wrong, you should advise the department of your new or correct passport details by emailing evisa.whm.helpdesk@immi.gov.au

If you do not provide the details of any new passport, you may experience delays at your departure airport and may be denied permission to board your flight to Australia.


v For the department to update your new passport you need to provide a scanned copy of the page which contains your personal information.  This will enable the department to record all your passport details against your visa.

If your passport has been lost or stolen please also report this to the passport issuing authority and advise the department of this action.
My personal details have changed
It is important that you tell us about any changes to your circumstances including your name, passport, contact details or email address as soon as possible. You are required to do this in writing via email to: evisa.whm.helpdesk@immi.gov.au
There is no need to amend your records if your name does not appear with the correct capital letters.  Immigration systems will correctly match you to your passport and visa as long as your name is spelt correctly.


I want to claim my Superannuation
You do not need a copy of your visa grant notification to apply for your Superannuation. 


Information about accessing superannuation benefits is available from the department’s website at www.immi.gov.au/allforms/superannuation/

For all superannuation enquiries please email Super.hobart@immi.gov.au
Their role is to assist by cancelling visas upon the request of the holder, and to issue Certification of Immigration Status (form 1194) statements to super funds. 

For further information regarding the Departing Australia Superannuation Payment (DASP) please contact your Superannuation Fund or visit the Australian Taxation Office website at www.ato.gov.au/departaustralia


I have to do health examinations

If you have been requested to complete health examinations, you must attend your appointment, or make arrangements for an appointment, within 28 days after the date of notification.  If you are unable to complete your health examinations within this period, you must contact the Hobart Global Processing Centre and provide reasons as to why you are unable to do so.  If you do not attend your health examinations or contact the department within 28 days after the date of this notification, a decision may be made on your visa application based on the information held by the department.

Health examinations must be undertaken by radiologists and medical doctors selected by the Australian Government (Panel doctors). You can access this list from the following website: http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/panel-doctors/

When I can use my visa and how long for

If you are granted this visa you can:

o enter Australia within 12 months of grant
o stay up to 12 months from date of first entry
o leave and re-enter Australia any number of times while the visa is valid

For example, if your Working Holiday visa is granted on 01 January 2010 you can use it to travel to Australia anytime up until 01 January 2011. If you enter Australia on 15 March 2010, you can stay in Australia on your Working Holiday visa until 15 March 2011. You may leave and re-enter as many times as you like during this time but your visa will cease 12 months after you first entered Australia.

Please note that people who have arrived in Australia with another type of visa cannot change to a Working Holiday visa while in Australia.


My visa has expired

If your Working Holiday visa has expired and you want to come back to Australia, you must apply for another visa that suits the purpose of your visit.  Your visa cannot be extended.  The Visa Wizard can help you identify an appropriate visa.

I want to check my visa conditions or entitlements
Your visa conditions and entitlements can be found through the department's Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) service. VEVO is a free, online facility that allows an individual and/or an organisation to check the visa entitlements of a visa holder (with the visa holder’s permission).

VEVO can be accessed at: www.immi.gov.au/e_visa/vevo.htm


I have a Saved Application Number

If you have saved your electronic Working Holiday visa application for completion at a later date, your saved application ID will start with SEG and is followed be a series of eight numbers and/or letters. Eg: SEGXXXXXXX.  If you were not given confirmation of your saved application ID and password, then it is likely your application was not successfully saved.  In this situation you will need to start your application again. 

The Working Holiday Processing Centre is not able to confirm whether an attempted saved application was successful and is unable to retrieve any lost application IDs or passwords.

Yours sincerely

Hobart Global Processing Centre
Department of Immigration and Citizenship

Information about the Working Holiday visa is available at: http://www.immi.gov.au/visitors/working-holiday/417/index.htm


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