티스토리 뷰

영어회화 - 실생활에 유용한 영어표현 71-80



이제 정말 겨울이 왔네요 ^^ 12월 크리스마스 행복하게 보내세용 ^^ ~~~ 아직 좀 있어야하지만 ^^:;

한 겨울이다 영어표현부터 시작합니다~!


 영어회화 71- 한겨울이다 영어표현


We're well into winter.

= The height of winter is upon us.

= We're deep into winter.

= It's the middle of winter.



 영어회화 72- 새해 계획 영어표현


What's your New Year's resolution?

= Have you made any vows for the new year?



 영어회화 73- 심부름 부탁 영어표현


Could you run an errand for me?

= Would you mind going on an errand for me?

= Could you do me a favor?

= Could you do something for me?



 영어회화 74- 낙관적표현 영어표현


Look on the bright side of things.

= Cheer up.

= Keep your chin up.

= Be optimistic.

= Look up.



 영어회화 75- 과소평가 영어표현


Don't underestimate me

= Don't underrate me.

= I'm not as I appear. I'm more than meets the eye.

= You don't know me very well.



 영어회화 76- 요즘세상 살맛 안난다 영어표현


I have no life these days.

= Life is dull these days.

= I'm so bored these days.

= Time seems to go by so slowly.

= Nothing's new.



 영어회화 77 - 시력이 나빠지고 있다 영어표현


My eyes are falling.

= My vision is going bad.

= My eyesight is falling.

= My eyesight is deteriorating



 영어회화 78- 건망증 영어표현


You're so absent-minded.

= You're so forgetful.

= How could you be so forgetful?



 영어회화 80 - 아주썰렁해 영어표현


It's so lame.

= It's so dull.

= It's so boring.



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